Nested SELECT statements

SQL allows nesting of SELECT statements. In a nested SELECT statement the inner SELECT is evaluated first and is replaced by its result to evaluate the outer SELECT statement.

Query 20:

SELECT item#, descr, price <---------------------------

FROM items

WHERE price > (SELECT AVG(price) FROM items); <------

Outer SELECT statement

Inner SELECT statement

Query 20 - Result:
Item# Descr Price
HW1 Power Supply 4000
SW1 MS-DOS 6.0 5000
SW2 MS-Word 6.0 8000

Query 21:

SELECT cust#, custname <------------------

FROM customers

WHERE city = ( SELECT city FROM customers

WHERE custname='Shah');

Result :

SELECT cust#, custname <------------------

FROM customers

WHERE city = ( SELECT city FROM customers

WHERE custname='Shah');

Here the outer SELECT is evaluated as
SELECT cust#, custname
FROM customers