The components of SQL are

a. Data Manipulation Language – Consists of SQL statements for operating on the data (Inserting, Modifying, Deleting and Retrieving Data) in tables which already exist.

b. Data Definition Language – Consists of SQL statements for defining the schema (Creating, Modifying and Dropping tables, indexes, views etc.)

c. Data Control Language – Consists of SQL statements for providing and revoking access permissions to users

Tables used:


Ord# OrdDate Cust#
101 02-AUG-94 002
102 11-AUG-94 003
103 21-AUG-94 003
104 28-AUG-94 002
105 30-AUG-94 005


Item# Descr Price
HW1 Power Supply 4000
HW2 101- Keyboard 2000
HW3 Mouse 800
SW1 MS-DOS 6.0 5000
SW2 MS-Word 6.0 8000


Cust# CustName City
001 Shah Bombay
002 Srinivasan Madras
003 Gupta Delhi
004 Banerjee Calcutta
005 Apte Bombay